Hey Kev!

You asked what I wanted to see more of - THIS. This and THIS.

I agree with everything you said 100%.

Honestly, I’ve been looking for someone who reads the tarot like this for a really long time. I don’t know how I found you…but wow, coolest reading I’ve ever seen done. These are the types of readings that I do for myself, but I don’t have the tarot knowledge and expertise that you do to as in depth like that. I love it!

I’ve been saying for a long time that blue and red makes purple, the color of royalty or as you said - of kings. It’s nice to meet someone else who doesn’t vote. Someone else who sees through the bullshit. When you know you know…

They ARE rats, and they’re not to be trusted…almost in disbelief that rat card actually came up :D

I want to see more readings like this, controversial - “conspiracy” related lol…

Loved your choice of decks - was a lot of fun!

Seriously best reading I’ve ever seen. Can’t wait for more.

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Mar 3Edited

Thank you so much. You just made my day!!!! And thank you for watching and being part of the Words With A Twist Substack. I have done a few others here and plan on doing more of these readings. It is refreshing to find like-minded people. Have a wonderful day, and if you ever have a question, please feel free to reach out anytime.

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