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This three-card Lenormand spread I initially pulled for a video. But, I decided to share it with all of you, my amazing substack subscribers. It's a general reading from the universe and centers on the tree, strength. A stable foundation. It's based on the number 5, and can lead to liberation or struggle. It depends on the course of action you determine to pursue.
“Every test in our life makes us bitter or better, every problem comes to break us or make us. The choice is ours whether we become victim or victor.”
– Anonymous
What I found of interest, two cards appeared with spades. And the tree contained a seven of hearts. This ties us back to the cups. The stability sought encompasses your emotions. And when we add the 7 + 5, we obtain the 12, which reduces down to 3.
This implies the cause of contention requires better communication with that someone special in your life.
Now, as we flip the cards, we show the following:
The Reading
In position one, the elderly lady appears. The center card shows the tree. And in the third position the young lady. This card represents you. Male or female, it doesn't matter.
Now, we notice cards one and three. A mirror. Both being spades indicates a need for growth in your relationship. And to help work things out, the elderly lady in position one. You can expect, or already have encountered, an elderly individual. They'll help provide the wisdom required for communication with your partner. And once learned, the foundation between you and your other again becomes solid. No more frustration.
It's obtained because of the tree in the middle and the lady's advice. With her knowledge, you'll begin speaking to your partner without your emotions running wild. Instead, you'll converse out of a heart of understanding and love.
This older lady might represent a therapist or a grandmother type of figure in your life. And as you work through your issues, you'll start finding joy once again because you now rely on the tree. A stable foundation built from the lessons learned.
Why do I say this?
We'll turn to the numbers for further clarity behind the statement above.
Card 1: The lady, 29.
Card 2: The tree, 5.
Card 3: The lady, 29.
Together, these cards add up to sixty-three. This number contains the vibration of the 6 and the 3. The 6 offers harmony through the 3, communication with the other person in your life. And when added together, 6+3, we reach the vibration of 9. Attainment. You choose to take the advice of card 1, the 29. The 11, the path of sensitivity. Using your intuition to express yourself instead of emotions, which, at times, can be seen as irrational.
Hence, the 3. The way you choose to voice your concerns. When combined with the power of the tree, the 5. It brings harmony or continued strife. You select the path. But when you follow the wisdom given, you'll reemerge into bliss with your relationship.
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