The Minor Arcana’s four suits—Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands—guide your decisions, actions, and path forward. They empower you to manifest your reality, showing that control over your destiny lies within your beliefs and actions.
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When working with the Minor Arcana, you combine the meaning of numbers and elements in the cards to get a clear idea of what the card represents. With this understanding and knowledge of the suits, you can pick up any tarot deck and read it confidently.
The Four Suits and Relation to the Elements
The Minor Arcana is the commentary of the Major in a reading. It's the little details that cover the four aspects of life. These suits show the cause and effect of the actions and decisions taken. They help you produce the results you seek.
Wands / Fire
Cups / Water
Swords / Air
Pentacles / Earth
The Four Elements
The Numbers of Tarot (e-Book Available)
The Colors of Tarot (e-Book Available)
With the Minor Arcana you have full control over your decisions and actions as they don’t reflect the spiritual aspects. Instead, they clarify the meaning behind the Major Arcana, which shows areas needing improvement.
Yet, these four suits guide you on your path forward with spiritual development, whereas the Major shows areas needing growth.
If most cards in a spread show the four elements, it hints to us a little-known secret. You control your destiny by the steps you take. The ability to manifest your reality lies within you. All that’s required, you must believe. And when you do, you’ll witness miracles as your ability and strength catapult you forward.
The Suits
When learning the Minor Arcana, there’s a simple approach to help get started without knowing all the keywords and meanings. You will combine the interpretation of the associated number & element. This provides a general idea of what the card represents.
Once you understand the suit’s high-level meaning, you can pick up any tarot deck and start reading with it, allowing you to explore different decks.
Tip To Learn the Cards
Step 1:
Look at the symbol on a card.
The 2 of Wands. It’s a fire card.
Step 2:
Look at the relationship of the person to the symbols in the scene.
You see a person holding onto their passion/career as they set their sights on a new goal. The inspiration from the one. With one of their wands bolted down, it implies something will protect them and give them the power to overcome any challenges that await.
Another tip: When you see an archway on a card, it can represent initiating new opportunities. Think of the Aces and the potential that awaits.
Step 3:
Start a tarot journal. Note the card and what each scene means to you.